Git, GitHub and Heroku SSH Key Generation, Installation and Authentication
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One of the common problems people have with Git is setting up the SSH keys and verifying the keys have been authenticated with GitHub and Heroku. If the SSH keys have not been generated you will not be able to upload your ruby on rails files to GitHub or Heroku.
In order to verify that you your SSH keys, as well as associated directory and files are in your Windows file system, you will have to run the GitBash command line interface that you downloaded with Git or GitHub.
Find the Gitbash client using the Start window on the windows on the gitBash icon to access Gitbash. next follow the instructions at the link below, Generating SSH Keys.
Generating SSH Keys:
What is SSH, Secure Shell
Notes and Reference Links for Git, Download and Installation
Select the Github for Windows on your the link below
One of the most common problems when trying to access Github or Git after you have installed the program is with the SSH keys. The SSH key that has been stored on your computer must match that was has been assigined to you on the git system.
To check if your SSH key has been authenticated, open the Git Bash Program (search for it in the Start Window)
Next type in
ssh -T
Wait for github to return an authentication method and the associated IP address that you have been autheticated to appear on the scree. It will read like the folowing
# Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
# provide shell access.
Its a 14.9 Mbyte file so it should download qucikly unless you have a slow connection.
After downloading is complete, the Git Wizard will appear on your screen
Select the Next Button
Select the Accept Agreement Button on the License agreement Display
Select Next for All the Following Display Screens to Accept All the Default Options.
Git will then install. When completred click Finish.
Git Errors. You should always check that your SSH key is correct otherwise you will get an error.
If you want upload files to Heroku to create cloud based Ruby-on-Rails apps you will need GitHub. GitHub, a file repository system, allows you and your fellow developers to create syncrhonized Ruby-On-Rails apps that can be quickly uploaded to the Heroku cloud.
Generating SSH Keys for GitHub:
I succesfully uploaded a reposiitory. I didn't set my SSH key. I think this step needs to be included in your instructions on create new repository page ( As well, you should include instructions in the email that is used to send the SSH key. When I execute the following command from my console
\Hello- World>git push -u origin master
I receive this error
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
So what have i done wrong?
Rails Heroku Tutorial:
Ruby, Rails, Gem and Git:
How to Deploy a Ruby-on-Rails Applications from GitHub:
I deployed a test app on Heroku, the Ruby on Rails free hosting server through GitHub, the free online Ruby on Rails project repository.
Although it was somewhat time consuming to figure out, I am now able to show a person how to deploy Ruby on Rails applictions with Github and heroku it successfully in under 10 minutes.
The main problem that I had was with the SSH keys that need to be generated to enable secure remote communications between my machine, Github and Heroku.
I am following the tutorial at the link below for the project I am working on. The tutorial also leaves out the SSH key information. Overall the tutorial is more than thorough and error free.
Step 1: Select either the download button for Mac if you have a Macintosh, Windows for a PC, Unix or Soloaris if you have a Unix or Solaris workstation or server.
Download and Install Git:
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