Monday, May 19, 2014

In Search of the Silent Tone - A Smart Power Mystery Story, Day 1

Today we are the wisegeek in search of the silent tone. The silent tone, a barely audible continual low frequency, base-like tone, has been associated  with  the mass deployment of smart power meters. However, as the wise geek points out, the silent tone is nothing new and has been investigated before. According to the wise geek, the source of the ever-imposing sound has been directly linked to natural and man-made structures, including volcanoes, pipe lines and towers. According to the wise geek "in Kokomo, India, the sound was traced to a cooling tower emitting a 36 Hz tone and an air compressor intake emitting a 10 Hz tone, and on the Big Island of Hawaii, where a tone was attributed to known volcanic activity."

As the wisegeek explains, there are other suspected silent tone sources. However, complicating the location of a silent tone source are the time, expense and technology required to locate them.

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