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Computer Science: Java, Tutoring, Online, Lesson 1 Notes, Installing Java JDK. Setting the Environmental Path Variable in the Command Prompt
APA Citation
Mark Stansberry, (2015 May 15), Installing Java SE8, Compiling Without Setting the Path Environment Variable in Windows
Step 1: Installing Java on Windows requires that you download the JDK for JAVASE.
On May 17, 2015 I did just that. I went to Oracles Java SE Development Kit Page at
and selected the "JDK DOWNLOAD" button on the right hand side of the page.
A new page appeared at
and from that page I selected from Java SE Development Kit 8u45 options the link
Windows x64 180.44 MB jdk-8u45-windows-x64.exe
I accepted the download click. The file is a big file, 180 MB and took several minutes to download on my 64-bit Windows 8 machine
Once downloaded, I ran the install exe which took several minutes (a simple wizard) leads you through the buttons to click.
Locating the Java Compiler
You will need to access the Java Compiler in order to run any program you write on your computer. In order to access the Java Compiler you can either
1) Set the environmental path variable within Microsoft control panel
2) Access it directly from the cmd prompt.
If you do not want to set the environmental variable (or make sure the environmental path variable you set is correct), you need the file location of the Java compiler on your computer. The java installation program stored the Java compiler on my computer at the directory location
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\bin
This is the default file location for the Java installation process.
For running my first program,, because I didn't set the environmental path variable, I used the following command to compile the simple program I wrote.
C:\Users\Mark>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\bin\javac"
The program compiled successfully and created the associated class file.
The Environmental Path Variable
Although you could uses the above command to compile every time, if you set the environmental path variable, you will have to include the path name of the compiler (javac) every time. Setting the path variable in your windows configuration file allows you to compile a java program without including the java compiler path name every time you need to compile. Allowing you to type in the cmd line, for example
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