Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Educational trends point to smart phone controlled pocket projectors and slide show ready textbooks

Its now possible to give slide shows anytime and anywhere with a pocket projector, smartphone and a slide-formatted ebook. Companies such as BrookStone and Apple have teamed up to offer the pocket projector and smartphone as the new alternative to small screens. Although aimed more at the consumer market,educators might see the  value of smart phone controlled pocket projector. They offer big screen viewing, are extremely portable  and are fairly inexpensive.

The use of smartphone controlled pocket projectors along with standardized educational slide shows could go a long way in shoring up educational systems around the world.  And that's because schools could ensure that a standard for lecture notes is me and  teachers would have more time to add custom content to standardized content (freed from writing standard content for basic material). Teachers also would have more time to focus on their own style and have more time for one-on-one instruction.

So far however there are few textbooks that are slide show formatted. One new algebra ebook  that is comes from The Very Best Algebra Notes contains 40 slide formatted algebra review sheets that includes all the critical procedures, rules and definitions in a a first year algebra course. The book was based on current California Standards, considered among the highest in the nation and emerging federal common core standards.

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