Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Smart Power Meters - The Beginning of the End for Utility Companies

Smart power meters are a new technology that may allow for improvement of the United States power grid. The plan is to have smart meters everywhere. However not everybody is sure what the health effects will be. One big questions is how many smart power meters is too many , . Because of the location of power and gas meters, some homes and apartments can have as many as 20 smart power meters right next to where they sleep. On the other hand, there are other homes and apartments were the power meter is far away from their living quarters.

So are those that have more than two smart power meters next to where they sleep more likely to develop health effects than those that don't. Doing a random statistical sample of 200 homes and 200 apartments it was found  there are about 1 in 30 dwellings  have 4 or more smart power meters located near were they sleep.

This group may be the first to develop adverse health effects from smart power meter. If the utility companies blanket 80 percent of all residences with smart power meters in the United States, the sample data suggests that up 8 million people could possible develop adverse health effects. If the effects are serious, the liability of the utility companies as well as contractors such as smart power meter installers as well as smart power meter manufacturers could be enormous. Not to mention the effects on overall productivity in the United States.

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