Sunday, April 20, 2014

Smart Power Meters: Noises in House, Health Hazards and Concerns

Now that smart power meters have been installed on millions of American homes, both gas and electric smart meters, the health effects  of smart power meters should become better known.  The big question is whether or not utility companies should have adopted stricter electromagnetic wave shielding guidelines.

It is still a controversy as to just how dangerous the  low frequency  and radio frequency  electromagnetic fields from a smart power meter are. Those who sleep near a smart power meter or meters in many cases, my be the first to experience the negative health effects that have been attributed to smart power meters. Reports indicate that those that sleep in this environment, have suffered physical ailments so severe that they have left their homes. Health problems reported include headaches, heart palpitations and electronic noises in ones ears and heads.

Whether or not these ailments are related to smart power meters is an open question, one has to wonder if proper electromagnetic shielding of smart power meters could circumvent any future public health problems. One has to wonder if the utility company guidelines for the installation of smart power meters take into consideration the number of meters outside a persons bedroom. The utilities must mount the smart power meters on the gas main and power main of the house. But is this the best place in consideration of the fact that someone may spend a  lot of time in a room adjacent to those outdoor meters.

For a demonstration on low-cost shielding techniques used to block smart power meter radiation (complete with audible electromagnetic radiation detector visit

You can also view their web site at

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